Mix: Archaic Podcast 477 – W-95
A couple days ago our beloved W-95 released a very special podcast for Archaic. The mix, full of ambient, mental and reflexive vibes gives the listener a huge and emotional trip through time and space. Let’s leave its author talking about it:
“Who may concern: this podcast recorded entirely on vinyl contains fragments of some of my favorite albums, those that bring you peace. All the tracks were selected on a rainy Saturday afternoon, at the end of summer, to be joined together on an even rainier Sunday. This set is a good metaphor for the end of summer, the end of one of my phases, and the changes that life presents us with. Sometimes we get to choose when things change, and sometimes we just have to embrace the changes. I hope these songs reach the ears of anyone who needs this peace as they have for me. Special thanks to DJF, who in addition to playing one of his tracks, is directly responsible for half of the tracks in this set. Many of the records you can listen to, are some of the recommendations of “Jaime this record you can’t miss, it’s fucking awesome” and how right he was. I dedicate my 27th podcast to him, to all my friends, and to the changes of life, we will keep going far together <3bios de la vida, we will keep going far together <3″