Brenda Sayuri have just prepared another musical exploration. “Tension” is the audiovisual performance project by V.A.N.H and her that extends over 60 minutes. The conceptual line of this force will guide the spectators in an immersive, sonorous and powerful performance.
As you know, Brenda Sayuri is the perfect example of a multi-instrumentalist academic artist who ends up finding her true path in experimenting with new sounds through electronic music. V.A.N.H (Visual Artist Needs Help) is the pseudonym and experimentation platform of the multimedia artist Luciana Maia. She explores vectorial synthesis, real-time generative art and 2D/3D animation in her creations.
The sound emitted by the oscillators and modulators will recreate an environment of opposing forces, where the visuals subjected to physics will react to the frequencies in real time. The attraction of particles, strings, acceleration of pixels, will give us unique visuals, with a lot of speed and balance.