Premiering on December, 18 with the State Russian Economic Academy launched Fashion screening for Short Shot Fest.
“The Encounter” is the collection that GÉMEAUX created, inspired by the balance that happens through the approach between the mind and the heart of oneself.
Letting yourself be flooded by the sensation that arises between the two emotions, where these stop being a struggle to enter a level.The pleasant unconscious of personal balance. Creating a parallel world that each person is able to find for himself.
Each fibre of wool is of the highest quality of baby alpaca, from and manufactured in Peru and is the reflection of that union that frames each piece of this collection.
“The Encounter” represents for the pleasant for the austerity, comfort and timelessness.
Collection Available in gemeaux.dk
Art Director: Omar Gémeaux
Director of Photography: Nacho Cámara
Model : Andrea Pimentel
Music : Brenda Sayuri
Narrator: Renate Vermane
Finally, you are here…
..I have waited for you so much….
I was silent all this time,
Thinking that the battle betweenmy mind and my heart would fall asleep.
You are part of me and I of you.
We are two parallel realities in one.
The mind always separates usbut the force of the air brings us together again.
Finally, you are here…
..I waited for you so much….